Friday, January 27, 2012

Be free

I have the best intentions:

Study hard for my licensing test
Read my bible more
"Pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:17)
Love Lindsey better and more consistently
Wake up earlier

but the same thing always happens. I get stuck. I hit a road block. I get distracted. I lose focus. I choose the easy way out. I hit the snooze button (metaphorically AND for reals).

Is it faith that I lack? Probably, but that might be too broad. I do life based on how I feel. I'm hungry, I eat. I'm tired, I sleep. I want to watch tv, I put off those goals. It takes work to achieve my intentions. Work is hard.

Now I think about the book of James. Works and actions are an outpouring of the faith and the dwelling of Christ inside of us! Choosing narrow road is, dare i say, easier with an unhampered flame of Christ burning in my chest. The place to start is my heart. Can I choose Him over me? Those who lose their lives will find them. Where has choosing me gotten me in the past? Nowhere. Well, thats not true. It got me depressed in high school. It made for painful relationships early in college. It hurts my wife. But above all that, it keeps me from experiencing in greater fullness the freedom and love of Christ. This is what I truly want. This freedom and love is what I was made for. It was for freedom that Christ set us free.

Choose Him. Be free.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


When the fall, is feeling near
And all is reeling here
We need Your grace
A glimpse of Your face

When we've, become undone
Your light will overcome
A measure of grace
A glimpse of Your face

When our sin, threatened deep
Your strength caused us to leap
A response to grace,
A glimpse of Your face

Your love, it never stales,
Though many times we fail
A reminder of grace
A glimpse of Your face

When we fall, and stay down
And our hearts, wear a frown
A rejection of grace
A veer from Your face

When all, is dead and gone
And Your Light has overcome
The triumph of grace
A glimpse of Your face

When we see, You bright and full
And our praise, eternal
The fullness of grace
A life with Your face