Tuesday, July 14, 2009

we are the moon.... poetically

Rays of sun fly all around
look on up or feel the ground
the moon shines not of its own
reflecting only what it's shown

we are the moon
we are the moon

the moon with no sun is a lamp with no power
we are the moon shining light thats not ours
the call is to shine through word and through deed
giving of what we've so freely received

rays of sun fly all around
look on up or feel the ground
the moon shines not of its own
reflecting only what it's shown

we are the moon
shining in dark
we are the moon
to this night we embark

Friday, July 10, 2009

we are the moon

I love when nature points me to God and the Spirit has me express it by poetry.

Tonight is a great example.

the night becomes bright
when the moon reflects the Light
the night becomes bright
when the moon reflects His light

I originally had "shines the light" at the end and I remembered that the moon shines nothing by itself. It reflects the light and power and majesty and glory of our sun, our solar systems shining star and centerpiece.

Obviously, when the light of the sun comes upon the earth, darkness hides. Darkness can't be in presence of the light. The physical realities of dark and light are metaphor of the spiritual realities of God and His angels and Satan and his minions. This reminds of my favorite name of God: "Father of lights" from James 1:17.

What I saw tonight in the sky was the moon reflecting the sun. It lit up the sky. Piercing through the scattered clouds of the night, it shone quite brightly. There was light, even in the absence of earth's true light. So it is with us and God and the world. Physically, Christ (the Light of the world, John 8:12) is not with us anymore - He went to heaven to sit at the throne with the Father almost 2000 years ago.

We are the moon.

Matthews 5:15-16a has some insight into this: "[People do not] light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, yet your light shine before others...." (emphasis added)

A few questions come to mind... a) what is "our light"? and b) how do we "let it shine"?

"Our light" to be shone is the grace and mercy and blessing and teaching and all that we receive from the Triune God.

We "let it shine" alot of ways, some of which I blogged about earlier this year under the title of "Little Children" and those that follow. Although, I think it's deeper than "showing love." All this grace and mercy and blessing and teaching, etc. that we've received should be shown back to the world - those around us - the known and unknown. When God reveals to me a truth about Himself, am I to keep it only for myself and my notebook? I surely hope not. The truth learned is to be reflected upon a roommate or a bible study or a friend or even an entire congregation. Jesus continues (in Matt 5:16) "...so that [others] may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (emphasis added). I like the language "your Father." They are giving glory to God because of how He is my Father. How His kindness has been bestowed upon me causes others to praise. We do this all the time; we join each other in praise of God when one of us experiences the Light.

Christ has called: "let your light shine." He is our light. We are the moon, reflecting the light of God upon a place of darkness so that "others" will "give glory to" (praise!!) Him.

I'm too tired to keep writing... sorry!

Your grace...

will it catch me when i fall?
grow me when i'm small?
put a smile on this frown?
lift me when i'm down?
will it sing to my soul,
when i give up control?