Monday, January 18, 2010

A New Year, Resolution, and Church

Blog-town - been awhile, I apologize.

I have made a New Year's resolution to blog more and given that about 4% of the year is over, I better get started in order to secure an 'A'.

I am helping plant a new church: Rock Bible Church ( Many blogs will (hopefully) be written about this. I am going to be leading worship and helping with main services. The feelings of joy, excitement, anxiety and unpreparedness have taken (and will continue to take) their turns dominating my psyche. My old youth pastor and soccer coach, Scott Berglin, has the vision for this church. We have been holding planning/prayer meetings, men's bible study and soon a women's study as well.

One of the reasons specifically I want to blog again is to share about worship. My thoughts on leadership, song choice and whatever else comes up. That being said:

Here Is Our King
by David Crowder

Big surprise: a song by the guy in my profile picture. Well let me share a bit (story time). There was actually a 15-month period where I played this song only once with the college band - yeah, once. I had gotten "over" it. It wasn't new or cool anymore to me. I didn't take the time to ask myself "What's it about? Why play it in the first place? What's the purpose of the song? ...etc." During my last year of college and again a few weeks ago (but deeper), I got so struck by the declarative nature of the chorus, given the verses. Let me explain.

From where ever Spring arrives, to heal the ground
From where ever searching comes, the look itself - a trace of what we're looking for
So be quiet now and wait

Spring. Blossoms. New Life. (See an earlier post "Spring"). Faith is a journey. We take faith because there is an unsatisfied longing in us for something yet to come, but the beauty of this is in this journey to find Him, who is our longing, we encounter Him (well, He encounters us). "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10). That power and glory and beauty that makes healing Spring come is here and with us. Here is our King....

And what was said unto the rose, to make in unfold,
Was said to me here in my chest,
So be quiet now, and rest.

My dad is a tree doctor (seriously, Ph.D. in trees) and my mom runs her own garden business. Needless to say, I have been surrounded by plants my whole life; I love them and their beauty. The rose unfolding is breathtaking. There is a reason that for Valentine's day that the ladies like roses, not pansies, iris', or even daffodils. The rose is majestic, and the creator of the rose - the whole world - similarly unfolds and perfects (Phil 1:6) the human heart. He is with us (Emmanuel, Isaiah 7:14). Here is our King.

Lastly, the bridge, is simply "Majesty, Finally." Though not fully perfected and with Him in heaven, He is here with us! Not leaving us nor forsaking us (Deut 3:16), He leads us and grows us in faith. His eternal Majesty is here. Psalm 8. Finally.

Peace, love and rock'n'roll.