Tuesday, June 9, 2009

oh music...


a) I'm not perfect, yet a perfectionist.

b) songwriting is really, really difficult.

That being said, I'm writing some songs and I'm trying to finish them to share with the world (ok, 10 people tops) but it's freaking hard.

Also, I'm a perfectionist. I've scrapped so many songs in the last 2 years. They just didnt work. Some songs were only music, others were a chorus... a few even, whole songs with verses, bridges and choruses. But after a few days, if I'd think it's crap - poof GONE!

Anyway, welcome to the agony of 1:20am Brendan.


  1. Oh, Brendan, Brendan, Brendan...you crack me up. You're #1 fan. hehe

  2. Sounds like my art projects... I have a lot of hidden purses and jewelry that never made it out in public. But knowing your other songs I am sure you'll have some great things to share in the end =)

  3. what's harder to write, the music or the lyrics?

  4. hmm I couldn't do either one :) and your lyrics for the songs I've heard are brilliant. Also, Robin's comment made me laugh. If you had a dollar for every time someone has said "oh brendan" or "brendan, brendan, brendan" (normally while shaking their head real slow like) you would be a billionaire.
