Monday, October 18, 2010

Rock Bible Church: 10-17-2010

I thought last night was a great follow-up to launch day! A couple cool things:

1) Similar to last week, a local pastor (Jim Meek, Trinity Baptist in Livermore) came to pray for us and dedicate our church to the Lord and His work. It's such an encouragement to see local pastors come and stand by Scott and what the Lord has called him to do.

2) I have never shared my story about worship leading to a congregation before; I apologize for being a little scattered! ...His grace is enough. I am continually humbled that He allows and chooses me to lead His people in songs of praise. Thank you for extending me grace as your leader.

3) Podcasts are up for launch night and last night.

4) I thought Scott nailed it last night. Our God is 3-in-1, 1-in-3. He is all powerful, creating all things from nothing. He is active, moving always. He's not done either. Amen.

As for the music, I was pretty excited about the truth we proclaimed in our song time. Here is Our King by David Crowder Band is one of my favorites. I went into some detail about this song at the beginning of the year (here). Briefly, He came for us. He is here. He is here with the fullness of His majesty and beauty. The verses, metaphorically, drive this home. From wherever spring arrives, there is our King. From wherever searching comes, the act of looking itself - there in it is our King.

I want to take a moment and talk a little about simple and clear lyrics vs. abstract and metaphorical lyrics. Take a song like Here is Our King and compare it to How Great Is Our God by Chris Tomlin. What do you notice? How Great is Our God lays is out so clearly: "Age to age He stands / Time is in His hands / Beginning and the end / Beginning and the end." We need songs like this. (and thankfully, we have them!). Our faith and our knowledge of God is confirmed and strengthened by these words. Here Is Our King takes a more abstract approach. Imagery of spring and the unfolding rose are created to depict a parallel of the beauty and majesty the Lord has given nature, and what He has done for us. Our winter is now spring. Our night is now light. Our bud is now blossoming (He is continually perfecting us. Philippians 1:6). We need these songs too. To close this section, I will say two things: a) we need balance of these types of songs. We need to balance a song like Here Is Our King with an In Christ Alone. And (much) more importantly b) these songs need to praise the Lord. The metaphor needs to resolve to a fundamental truth about Him (He is here to bring us back to Him). (ok that was more than a moment. sorry).

As I mentioned above, I believe abstract and imagery driven songs need to be balanced by straight-forward, more clear ones. Your Grace is Enough (by Matt Maher) and In Christ Alone (by Stuart Townsend) are definitely the latter. Going through Genesis makes the "Heaven reaching down to us" (from Your Grace is Enough) even more powerful and astounding to me. Him who by, through and for all things were made (Colossians 1:16) came down to us! In Christ Alone proclaims His coming down and His rising up. The truth is chilling: "There in the ground His body lay / Light of the world by darkness slain," and the truth is triumphant "Then bursting forth in glorious day / Up from the grave He rose again." I will not to over-play this beautiful song.

I felt that Jesus Lord of Heaven by Phil Wickham was a fitting close to learning about our creator King of heaven, who freely brought grace to all. His love cannot be measured in depth, width, height, or greatness; it simply is deep, wide, high and great.

My "theme" for the evening, if you will, was this: Heaven's creator King came down to us with undeserved, yet perfectly sufficient grace. Through Him alone we can have community with God.

...As I'm sure will be the normal case, I'm already getting excited for this upcoming Sunday. We will go deeper into what the Lord created and praise Him because and for it. All of creation was made to praise Him. Since the fall, the deep longing and hope of creation is for the Lord to redeem it. (Romans 8). We will proclaim His glory and His grace this Sunday. Hope to see you there!

PB (Post-Blog?): Read and take in Colossians 1 this week as you prepare for corporate worship (singing and hearing His word).

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