Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rock Bible Church - 10-24-2010


Three weeks now... pretty cool! As is the pattern so far, a few neat things from last Sunday:

1) Baptisms. Acts says that as the church began and grew, people were being baptized. So rad to see people hearing the call to publicly declare that Christ has saved them... on a cold rainy day.

2) Scott brought it from Genesis 1. His main point, simply, was centered around what the Lord chose to tell us about creation and what He chose to not tell us. When, how, what, who, why? The first two, "when" and "how", aren't that detailed. And really, these are secondary to "what" and "who". The Lord (Elohim!) made everything.

Those of you who were there know that Scott didn't touch on the "why". That's ok, I was trying a capture that a little with the music for the evening. The Lord created everything for His glory and His praise - everything is for Him. Let Everything That Has Breath and All Creatures Of Our God And King, the bookends of our worship together, truly capture this. Let every creature and created thing praise our Creator! David Crowder (to my knowledge) wrote the "Alleluia" outro to All Creatures, and I think it is so fitting. What would the praise of all creatures be? If everything the Lord gave breath to started praising, what would that be? "Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia...." isn't a bad guess. Christians have been praising the Lord with "Alleluia" since the beginning.

I was hoping to explain a little bit of my thought process with Indescribable, Wonderful Maker and I Stand Amazed during service, but my head was pounding. To be honest, I was a little distracted by it too. Colossians makes it clear that all things were created by, through and for Christ (1:16). I found myself in such awe when I thought about the fact that our creator God came down to save us by dying. Indescribable is one of my all time favorites: great imagery, great biblical lyrics (Job 38:22 for example), and great praise of the Lord's love for us. After 3 minutes of praising the Lord's power, majesty and creativity, we get to this: "You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same." wow. How truly marvelous and wonderful is that?

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